Quick Overview:
Bottle Flipping is huge. Why not see who is the best flipper in your youth group.
Supplies You’ll Need:
1. Plastic Bottle. Empty out some plastic water bottles. You can use gatorade bottles as well but gatorade bottles are usually easier to flip.
2. Candy Corn.You can use candy corn or any candy for that matter. It makes it more fun to use candy instead of water.
Empty the bottles completely and let them dry for a few days so that there is no moisture left in them.
Fill each bottle with the same number of candy so it’s fair for everyone. We used 25 candy corn in each bottle.
Set up two tables on stage with 2 bottles on each table.
Game Play:
Two contestants per team. The goal is for a team get a total of 10 bottle flips. First team to get a collective 10 successful bottle flips is the winner. Flips do not have to be consecutive.
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