Posted by Noah Hinson | Oct 10, 2016 | Books Leadership
You’ve probably noticed … Churches aren’t growing. Young adults are walking away. Volunteers are hard to recruit. Leaders are burning out. And the culture is changing faster than ever before. There’s no doubt the church is in a moment in... Posted by Noah Hinson | Oct 10, 2016 | Books Leadership
Leaders try to bring about change. And change almost always elicits opposition. So how do leaders navigate change, and the opposition to it, without giving up their dream for what could and should be? Carey Nieuwhof, pastor of Connexus Church near Toronto, examines... Posted by Noah Hinson | Oct 10, 2016 | Books Leadership
H3 Leadership provides a practical road map for implementing and living out twenty transformational habits of a leader—now in paperback. In H3 Leadership, Brad Lomenick shares his hard-earned insights from more than two decades of work alongside thought-leaders such... Posted by Noah Hinson | Oct 10, 2016 | Books Leadership, Books Small Groups, Books Volunteers
Every kid needs to be known by someone and to belong somewhere. Most leaders agree. That’s one reason for a shift in the way many churches are discipling their kids and teenagers. Think of it this way: connecting kids and teens to a consistent leader who... Posted by Noah Hinson | Oct 10, 2016 | Books Leadership, Books Parents, Books Small Groups, Books Volunteers
Nearly every Christian parent in America would give anything to find a viable resource for developing within their kids a deep, dynamic faith that “sticks” long term. Sticky Faith delivers. Research shows that almost half of graduating high school seniors...