Quick Overview:
This is an obstacle course of steroids. And the best part about the whole things is that you can customize it however you want based upon the supply’s and resources you have. Having the obstacle course set up all around the room helped to keep everyone’s attention. Not to mention it’s hilarious to see every student hunched over as they run around the room because they have their legs through the arm hole of the hoodie.
Supplies You’ll Need:
1. Over sized Hoodies (x2) . We are talking about the biggest hoodies you can find. We used XXL hoodies.
2. Hurdles (x4). We used some bench seats we have. Anything would work really. A rope stretched between two chairs or however you wish to create your hurdles.
3. Large Beach Balls (x2). Any large ball that students can kick would work for this
4. Hula Hoop. We used the big hoop used for May The Odds Be With You, any hula hoop will work. This will be used for students to kick the beach ball through as apart of this outrageous obstacle course.
5. Scooter or Skateboard (x2). Students will need to scooter in for their last leg of the race (a skateboard would work just fine here as well).
Set up your obstacle course in whatever order you think is best. We thought it was awesome when we set up the course to circle around the chairs where all the other students sit. This allowed there to be so much movement all around the room and helped to keep everyone engaged in the game!
Game Play:
Ok let me first explain how to get a kid inside the hoodie legs first. This may sound simple but is actually quite difficult so I suggest you practice before you play the game. You have to put your legs through the arm holes and force the hoodie up and over your head. This will most likely leave you hunched over and feeling like your going to rip the hoodie. Your doing a great job if have arrived here!
Now to the game play. Here is how ours worked. Once the student was in the hoodie we lined them up going in opposite directions around the room. Here is the order of the obstacles.
1) Hurdles – We set up benches that each student had to jump over. There is two at this station.
2) Beach Ball through a Hoola Hoop – Have a volunteer holding a hoola hoop upright on the ground. Once the student has finished the first round of hurdles they must locate their beach ball and kick it through the hoola hoop. They cannot move to the next station until they have kicked it through the hoola hoop.
3) Hurdles – We set up benches that each student had to jump over. There is two at this station.
4) Skate it home – Once they round the final corner they have to hop on a skateboard or scooter and slide in for the victory!
Connect With Us:
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