If you’re a small group leader, you believe in the power of community. You know that every stage and phase of life needs a unique kind of influence. But what exactly do you do? What exactly is your job? It’s possible that you may feel lost at times, like your role falls somewhere between a parent and a friend, a coach and a teacher. Remember, you aren’t supposed to be any of those things. You are a little of all of those things. Small groups come in many sizes. Those who wear diapers. Those who watch Disney. Those who are learning to drive. Those who are picking a college. Lead Small: Five Big Ideas Every Small Group Leader Needs to Know clarifies the responsibilities of the small group leader who works with children and teenagers. It establishes five common threads so that those who choose to lead in any size church can work off the same blueprint. When you lead small, you realize that what you do for a few has more potential than what you do for many. When you lead small, you choose to invest in the lives of a few to encourage authentic faith. With personal insight and practical advice, Reggie Joiner and Tom Shefchunas will show you how to do something small for a big impact.
Lead Small by Reggie Joiner and Tom Shefchunas
Posted by Noah Hinson | Oct 10, 2016 | Books Small Groups, Books Volunteers | 0