[crazyplayer_narrow id=”” title=”21 | One on One Conversations with Small Group Leaders” artist=”Youth Ministry Answers” url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/ymanswers/21Conversations.mp3″ thumb=”https://stuffyoucanuse.dev/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/YMApodcastimage.jpg” theme=”#cf3c3f” bgcolor=”#1e2226″ autoplay=”true”]
Kenny and Elle talk about how to cast vision and build relationships through one on one conversations with small group leaders in your youth ministry.
Experience Mission: experiencemission.org
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It was 13 minutes into the pod cast before they got to the heart of what they wanted to say. My suggestion would be, get right to the point more quickly. Once I got past the 13 minutes of the tangent the information was great.