4 Views on Pastoring LGBTQ Teenagers

I am Nick Elio, a Family Ministries Pastor in Denver, Colorado.  I’m reviewing 4 Views on Pastoring LGBTQ Teenagers. And thought I don’t think you can “review” your own book, I only wrote about 1/5th of this book so I’m not sure the normal rules apply here 😉

The government decided on marriage equality years ago in our country, but the theological debate still continues in Christian churches today.  And while the church wants to have theological debates (there is a time and place), our actions (or inactions) have real implications on the lives of LGBTQ teenagers.  And as youth workers, we are on the front lines. Every time we interact with a teenager, they are keeping track of the things we say and the positions we hold. And whether you know it or now, you have LGBTQ teenagers in your ministry, or their friends are, or their siblings or neighbors are, so how we handle this situation matters. Now, this isn’t a book of answers, it’s actually nearly the opposite. In many ways it’s a book of questions that we hope will help you ask the right questions for your context and your ministry.  Because every single contributor has experience in navigating real life situations with LGBTQ teenagers and their families. And while keeping it light and heartfelt, I believe every contributor does a great job of playing out situations that have been successful, sharing personal stories and inviting other youth workers into the real life of ministry with LGBTQ teenagers. So whether you consider yourself conservative or progressive, whether you are in an urban or rural context or whether this has come up in your ministry before or not; you NEED to read this book and make sure you prepare yourself for when the time comes.  Because the next time you interact with an LGBTQ teenager you’ll be representing THE Church, and your response matters.

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