POWDER BALLOONS: Youth Group Games

Students compete to blow up powder-filled balloons in "powder balloons," one of our many free youth group games

Quick Overview:

“Powder Balloons” is another one of the many great youth group games from our friend @youthministryideas. Watch as anticipation fills the room only to erupt into excitement as someone gets covered in powder!

Supplies You’ll Need:

1. Tubing. You can just find small tubing from your local hardware store. Go to the store with the balloons you plan on using so you can make sure the balloon can be attached to the tubing.
2. Balloons. Be sure you buy thin balloons or your contestants will be blowing up the balloons forever. If you’re looking to buy balloons in bulk, you can check out these balloons on Amazon – Click here!
3. Powder. Feel free to use flour, baby powder or any other white powder you might want to use inside the balloon.



Use the powder to fill up as many balloons as you have rounds. Using a funnel helps to fill up the balloon as much as possible with powder. Fill it so it is almost all the way full without the balloon being inflated.

Next, attach your first two balloons to the tube and get ready to have some fun!


Game Play:

You will need two people to play against each other. Hold a balloon over each persons head then extend the tube to the other person. On your GO the contestants will inflate the balloon by blowing into the tube. The person who inflates the balloon so much that it bursts is the winner. Sit back and enjoy watching the powder explode all over the contestant that lost!

The powder-filled balloon pops in "powder balloons," one of our many free youth group games
Students compete to inflate the powder-filled balloons in "powder balloons," one of our many free youth group games
The powder-filled balloon is about to pop in "powder balloons," one of our many free youth group games

Connect With Us:

Did you play this game with your group? Do you have a question about this game? Did you modify it for your context and add something to it to make it more exciting and fun? Please tell us about it by leaving a comment below! We would love to connect with you and there are thousands of youth workers that would love to hear your thoughts and ideas!

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You know what to do. Share this with them, email this link to them, who wouldn’t want to know about a free archive of Youth Pastor tested games with complete descriptions, pictures, and videos!? Hopefully this website will make their life a little easier.

Tired of Looking for Last-Minute Youth Group Games? Try Grow Curriculum & Strategy.

Grow Curriculum & Strategy comes with 50 engaging games complete with screen graphics, instructions, shopping lists, and photos. Check it out here!