Bazooka Face Tank: Youth Group Games

Quick Overview: This game is so fun. It’s super engaging for both contestants as well as fun to watch from the audience. Shoot play pen balls to another contest trying to catch them using a tote on their head. Supplies You’ll Need: 1. Tennis Ball Launcher. From Amazon...

Turkey Bowling: Youth Group Games

Quick Overview: Turkey bowling is awesome and a great event right before Thanksgiving! Who wouldn’t want to throw a frozen turkey? Easily can be set up in your youth room; and your teens can reset the pins. Supplies You’ll Need: 1. Frozen Turkey. One small one...

Toe Jam: Youth Group Games

Quick Overview: Who doesn’t like getting their feet wet with a fun game. Let’s see how strong your students feet are as they try and collect some slippery marbles from a kiddie pool. Supplies You’ll Need: 1. Kiddie Pool. Any kiddie pool will do, hard plastic or...